The Joy of Journaling

The positive benefits of journaling are well documented. Some people write private thoughts and life events on a daily basis. These journals capture memories. . .

Sweet Secrets

Sharon shared secrets. She wanted desperately to publish her faith stories to give hope to others if they experienced similar happenings. Her time ran out. With deepest respect, I will share . . ..

The Birthday Guy

Imagine a line of cars showing up in the driveway. Children armed with gifts and giggles run to the front door and ring the doorbell incessantly. ..

Missing Hands

Family holiday time drags so many memories of childhood to the forefront of our minds. Wild chaotic emotions whip us about like . . .

Spiritual Care Week

October 22-28th is National Spiritual Care (SC) Week 2023. The theme: Chaplaincy & Mental Health: It's healthy to get help!

Lost and Found

Several years ago I lost a favorite possession - a leather money clip crafted by my friend and co-worker, Caleb. I hate to churn about things I can't change.